Fish stocking is one of the most widespread and frequent management strategies in freshwater systems. However, the contribution of stocked fish to the population is seldom investigated, and hence the effectiveness of this strategy is virtually unknown for many populations. Understanding the contribution of stocked fish into the population is crucial because it allows the disentanglement of the...
During recent decades, increasing anthropogenic activities have affected natural ionic composition in most natural global freshwaters.
The common tern endangered bird has nested on the Lipno artificial lake, being attracted by experimental floating islands that scientists placed on the reservoir in 2017 to increase the species diversity there. Hydrobiologists, from the centre, uncovered the seabirds during their regular check of the islands. They found four nests with six baby birds of the common tern that is on the...
In today’s world, an increasing amount of our interactions with one another - as well as interactions with our environment - centres around the digital realm. These may be our posts on social media, internet search engine patterns, or visits to different webpages. Although we may often suspect that today’s technology culture may be generally bringing us away from nature, within these vast and...
It's the outside that counts: Their charisma has an impact on the introduction and image of alien species and can even hinder their control. An international research team, led by the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), have investigated the influence of charisma on the management of invasive species.
Solar Radiation as the Likely Cause of Acid-Soluble Rare-Earth Elements in Sediments of Fresh Water Humic Lakes
Lake Fish Telemetry Group (LFTG), an initiative that brings together research groups involved in lake fish telemetry in Europe to initiate joint multi-lake research activities using combined fish telemetry datasets, is now in its second year.
A new study by researchers from the China, Czech Republic and UK, concluded that the Chinese Paddlefish can now be confirmed as extinct. With its recorded length of up 7 m, the Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius) was one of the largest freshwater fishes in the world. It was one of only two extant species of paddlefishes (the other being the American paddlefish), a relict lineage that have...
In aquatic microbial communities, the most abundant players, the viruses, remain unexplored. Some of them can infect and kill bacteria, those viruses are named bacteriophages or simply phages. Phages influence microbial community ecology affecting nutrient cycle.
Small bacterivorous protists play a fundamental role in aquatic food webs and their taxonomic classification and ecological traits currently belong to core topics in aquatic microbial ecology. Despite the importance of shallow lakes worldwide, knowledge of microbial components, the base of their food webs, remains scarce. To close this gap, we investigated planktonic microbial food webs, in...